Leughadh| Reading
Bun sgoil Ghaidhlig Phort Righ Portree Gaelic school
Your child will have reading homework 3-5 times a week.
P1-3 will have only Gaelic reading.
P4-7 will have both Gaelic and English reading.
Ideas to help your child with reading at home
Here are some extension ideas to help your child’s reading and activities to do with the books.
· Pick a page and ask them to read it without showing them the picture.
· Cover a word they have read and ask them to spell it.
· Read the pages out of order.
· Write some of the words on a piece of paper and ask them to read it out of context.
· Ask them to sound out any unfamiliar words or use the picture to help them work it out.
Reading for enjoyment
We have a basket of books in school available for children to take home to read. The document below has links to a recording of all of these books so you can read them with your child at home.
Every child from P.4-7 has a Giglets login where they can access an extensive library of interactive Gaelic books. Over 100 of these books have an audio feature where your child can listen to the book and follow the words. Follow the instructions below to access your Child's Giglets account:
Visit - https://pupil.gigletsedu.com/landing/ and enter your Child's account details.
Click Show All books then scroll through the library and choose a book.
Scroll through to the start of the book and click the audio button for each page.
Leabhraichean Leughaidh | Reading Books
Most of our school reading books are now available as recordings so you can listen along to the book at home and help your child. Thanks to Angela NicAoidh, Sìne Ghilleasbuig and Gaelic4parents for providing the recordings. We are still working on recording titles in red.
Check the level of your child's book and click on the link below to find it. Alternatively, if you are using a computer you can press " ctrl F " and search the name of the book.
ORT ìre 1
ORT ìre 1+
ORT ìre 2 Wrens
ORT ìre 2 Wrens - Tuilleadh Wrens
Storyworlds ìre 1 - dearg | red
Mata Mòr a dol air saor laithean
Storyworlds ìre 2 - buidhe | yellow
Montaidh agus Trean nan Taibhs
Storyworlds ìre 2 - buidhe | yellow
An Sionnach agus a’ Chorra-gheal
An Sionnach agus an Coineanach
Storyworlds ìre 3 - uaine | green
Sim Seunta & an nigheadaireachd
Storyworlds ìre 3 - Orains | Orange
ORT ìre 2+
ORT ìre 3 Tuilleadh Wrens
ORT ìre 2A
ORT ìre 2B
ORT ìre 3 wrens
ORT ìre 3
Chan eil Duine ag iarraidh cl uich
ORT ìre 3A
ORT ìre 3B
ORT ìre 3 Sparrows
ORT ìre 4
ORT ìre 4 Tuilleadh Stòiridhean
Chaidh a h-uile duine a fhliuchadh
ORT ìre 4 Sparrows
Ruairidh anns a' phairce spòrs
ORT ìre 4 Tuilleadh Sparrows
ORT ìre 5
ORT ìre 5A
ORT ìre 5B
Storyworlds ìre 4
Raghnall Reubaire & Eilean an Ionmhais
Raghnall Reubaire a' cumail sùbailte
Raghnall Reubaire agus an Uilebheist
Luch a' Bhaile & Luch na Dùthcha
Storyworlds ìre 5 - pinc
Am Madadh-allaidh agus na Minn
Storyworlds ìre 6a - Uaine
Storyworlds ìre 6a - Uaine
ORT 6 - more owls
Eagal san Oidhche
A Bhana Phrionnsa
ORT ìre 7
Toll anns a' Mhullach
ORT ìre 7 - more owls
Am Mor Rathad
Am Burraidh
A' Lorg Or
Sgiorradh Sineach
Sgiorradh Romanach
Na Mìrean Measgaichte
ORT ìre 7 - Wood Peckers
Soitheach Grèine
10 Daoine Mora Reamhar
Am Ballach & an Tigear
Am Baidhsagal Ur aig Jill
An Draoidh Blot
Ceumanan Seilcheag
Ceit agus an Crogall
R Mòr
Fuamhairean Deigh
Magpies ìre 8
A Mhèirle
Sgiorradh Lochlannach
Brat Itealaich
Inneal nam Bogha froise
Latha ann an Lunnainn
Sgiorradh ri linn Victoria
Magpies ìre 9
Eilean Uaine
Caisteal Stoirm
Sàr Chù
Ban-Righ an Sgudail
An Sireadh
Sgiorradh Mairsinn-Beo
Storyworlds ìre 6b - Uaine
Bana-phrionnsa agus am Peasair
Storyworlds ìre 7 - Donn
An Greusaiche agus na sìthichean
Storyworlds ìre 8 - Purpaidh
Am mathan nach dèanadh dranndan
An nathair nach dèanadh siosarnaich
Ceiteag agus luch a’ choimpiutair
Ceiteag & fuamhaire a’ choimpiutair
Ceiteag & dràgon nan cumaidhean
Storyworlds ìre 9 - Gorm
Baraidh Bèicear Mòr agus am parsail
Baraidh Bèicear Mòr ann an trioblaid
Baraidh Bèicear Mòr agus na burraidhean
Baraidh Bèicear Mòr air àrd ùrlair
Tabitha agus na blàthan-sirist