Dìnnearan Sgoile | School lunches
Bun sgoil Ghaidhlig Phort Righ Portree Gaelic school
Dìnnearan Sgoile | School lunches
This terms school dinner menu is linked above.
School Meals cost £2.30 per day for pupils in Primary 6-7. If a pupil has special dietary needs, please inform the school.
We operate a cashless catering system and remind parents/guardians to top up online for school dinners by going to www.highland.gov.uk. Parents/guardians can contact the school office should they have any queries. If you choose to pay by cheque or cash, there is a drop box situated beside reception to leave payment.
All pupils in Primary 1-5 are entitled to a free school meal at lunchtime. The meal is completely optional and is a Scottish Government funded initiative. There is no application form to be completed. Families receiving Income Support are eligible for free school meals for children in Primary 6-7. Application forms are available from the school. Further information is available at: http://www.highland.gov.uk/info/899/schools__grants_and_benefits/10/free_school_meals_and_assistance_with_clothing
Application forms are available from the school reception. Pupils receive credit on their account which they can use during break and lunchtime in the canteen.
The Highland Council operates a ‘Cashless catering’ system which utilises pupils’ NEC cards. For further details, please see: