Droch shìde | Adverse weather
Bun sgoil Ghaidhlig Phort Righ Portree Gaelic school
Fònaibh an àireamh gu h-ìosal ma tha teagamh sam bith agaibh mu dheidhinn sgoil a bhith fosgailte no busaichean a’ ruith. Cuiridh sinn puist-dealain a-mach/fios air facebook cuideachd ma tha an comas againn. Tha an aireamh seo air ùrachadh aig 8m agus 12f gach latha ma tha atharrachaidhean sam bith ann.
Please phone the number below if you have any doubts about school being open or the buses running. We will also email/post on facebook any changes if it is possible to do so.
This number is updated at 8am and 12pm daily if there is anything to report.
Adverse weather line: 0800 564 2272 Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh pin: 04 12 00
HC Adverse Weather Guidance for Parents.doc
BSGP Adverse Weather 2023-24.docx