Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh

Càirdeas ~ Cultar ~ Cànan ~ Coimhearsnachd

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh Portree Gaelic school

Tha Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh air oir baile Phort Rìgh air Rathad an t-Sruthain. Bidh clann bho sgìrean-sgoile Phort Rìgh, Càrrabost agus Bun-sgoil MhicDhiarmaid a’ frithealadh na sgoile. Tha 222 sgoilear anns an sgoil 165 sa bhun-sgoil agus 57 anns an Sgoil-Àraich.

Dh’fhosgail Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh airson sgoilearan air an 16mh là den Ghiblean 2018. Is e sgoil airson foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a-mhàin a tha an seo – a’ chiad sgoil de leithid anns an Eilean Sgitheanach agus Loch Àillse. Tha an sgoil a’ tabhainn foghlam ionghabhaltach do sgoilearan na sgoil-àraich agus na bun-sgoile. Tha seachd seòmraichean teagaisg (le àite air a chur air leth airson dhà eile), talla goireasach airson spòrs, seòmar-ciùil/ealain, Sgoil-Àraich, seòmar airson cùram-chloinne agus Cròileagan anns an sgoil. Tha gàrradh mun cuairt na sgoile agus tha pàirc ann airson spòrs a-muigh le solais.  

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh is located on the outskirts of Portree, off Struan Road. The catchment area for the school includes the current catchments for Portree, Carbost and MacDiarmid Primaries. Our current roll is 222 pupils, 165 in the primary school and 57 pupils in Sgoil-Àraich.

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh opened on the 16th April 2018 and is the first stand-alone Gaelic school in Skye and Lochalsh. It strives to offer high quality, inclusive education to Sgoil-Àraich (nursery) and primary aged pupils. The building contains seven classrooms (with capacity for more), a fully equipped games hall, a music/art room, Sgoil-Àraich and a Cròileagan. The school also has well-designed school grounds including a spacious nursery garden and an all-weather sports pitch with floodlights. 

Uairean Fosglaidh na Sgoile | School Hours

School hours for pupils in Primary 1 - 3 

Monday to Thursday, 9.06am - 3.30pm

Friday - 9.06am - 12.15pm

On Friday the school day will end for P1-3 at 12.15pm. Parents can choose to pick their child up at 12.15pm or after lunch at 1pm. 

School hours for pupils in Primary 4–7,

Monday to Thursday 9.06am - 3.30 pm

Friday: 9.06am - 1pm

Pupils should not arrive at the school any earlier than 8.50am as there is no supervision or access to the playground before this time.

Break and lunch

Break: 11.00am – 11.15am

Lunch:   P1-3 - 12.15pm - 1.30pm

                  P4-7 - 12.45pm - 1.30pm

Pupils are expected to have appropriate clothing and footwear for all weathers to keep them warm and dry at break times.


We offer flexible childcare between the hours of: 

Monday – Thursday:   8.45am -5pm 

Friday:  8.45am – 12pm

 This is dependent on parental demand and availability of staffing.